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International Standard School (SBI) and International Standard Operation (ISO) come to be a big narration of Indonesian education. The standards have a reason that internationalization of education is a way in preparing Indonesia into globalization. Also, with international standard, Indonesia can prove the economic side in the open market era. In effort toward the international target, final examination (UAN) is still hold in this nation although Mahkamah Konstitusi had refused UAN. The conditions make Indonesian education like “Menara Gading”; it is high and seems lightly but cannot answer real need of Indonesian society as a developing country. The normative targets are like a refusal of the real condition of Indonesia as a young nation which has its own needs in developing its body. Should we always be a blind follower of developed country in every effort to reach prosperity? Or, it is better for us to build our own education system and standard in reaching our wants?
Following international standard and system means that Indonesian education has to have goals and education development steps as the target of the international agreement. The agreement is agreed by all of country in the world. The agreement seems egalitarian and covered all of the country’ needs. It seems also that the targets are suitable for each country in the world. But, as the first and third or north and south country definition made by developed country, each country in the world has its own level. The level will determine the needs of each country. A first or north or developed country must have different needs with a developing country like Indonesia. When the differences of needs are same in International standard, it seems that there is a new schema of colonization from developed country.
The suspiciousness is not unreasonable. After World War II in 1940’s, many new countries declared their nation to liberate from the colonial countries. The authority of the colonialists (developed countries) ended toward colonies. The colonies which were known as developing country, step by step, begun to develop their body. The development of the new nations made the developed countries fright if their power in global economic and politic would be taken over by the developing countries. The anxious made the developed countries always try to control policies made by developing country until now. Effort in controlling developing countries’ policies by the developed countries calls neo colonialism (a new kind of colonialism). One of the policies which is always tried to be controlled by the neo colonialists is education policies.
Neo colonialism of the developed countries toward developing countries’ education policies is caused by the strength of multiple effects of the education policies. If education of one country is good, the condition will give multiple effects toward growth of other aspects of the nation. The independence of Indonesia was also caused by the development of education in ethical politic era which begun in 1901. Because of education Indonesian founding fathers finally realized that Indonesia had to be independent. At this time, if developing countries can advance their education side, the countries will take global politics and economic power of the developed country. China, India, and Malaysia are the example of young countries which are success in global area by their education. The condition must disturb the developed countries’ composure. That is way the developed countries try hard to control the developing countries education policies where SBI and ISO use as the efforts in controlling the developing countries’ education progress.
Concerning the suspiciousness, it is important to reevaluate and revise the Indonesian education direction. That is true that we have to have a willingness to be competence in the world education, but three aspects that are local needs, the local wisdom, and the essential value of this nation have to be the main concern in building Indonesian education target and system. If Indonesia has to be competence in the globalization era, this nation’s education has to concern in two aims; strong in economic and also in political aspects. In order to be strong in both of economic and political sides but still match with the three aspects, we need a comprehensive education standard and system which are based on the local context.
The comprehensive standard and system of Indonesian education should concern with this nation needs as developing country which is still constructing economy mainly in agriculture, fishery, and small trade sectors. The education has to answer the needs of knowable farmer, fisherman, and entrepreneur. In developing the three economic sectors, Indonesia must need technology from developed country. So, education has to serve education materials which can provide knowledge in implementing technology which is suitable with local needs. The transfer of technology from developed country should always accomplish with adjustment with the local needs aspects.
It is clear that we as parts of a developing country have to be always on the alert toward neo colonialism of developed countries. They have many ways as efforts in endorsing developing countries. One of the efforts is by making standard and a system of education by internationalizing education. The essential usage of education is to make prosperity in board aspects of a nation. The meaning of prosperity of every nation is different depend on the condition of the nation. Indonesia has its own purpose of prosperity. Having suitable standard and system of education with local context will make Indonesia’s prosperity will be seems a reality not just a utopia that International Standard School (SBI) and International Standard operation (ISO) are offering to us today.
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