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Menampilkan postingan dari Februari, 2012

Conjunction; A Grammatical Cohesion in Discourse Analysis

Conjunction Conjunctive elements are cohesive not in themselves but indirectly, by virtue of their specific meanings; they are nor primarily devices for reaching out into the preceding (or following) text, but they express certain meaning which presuppose the presence of other components in the discourse (Halliday and Hasan, 1976: 226). Hasan and Halliday (1976: 238) adopt a scheme of just four categories, namely additive, adversative, causal, and temporal. According to Halliday in An Introduction to Functional Grammar (1985: 303), cunjuction is classified into elaboration, extention, and enchancement.

Miss.Tessy's $2.400.000 Deposit Band Certificate Deception

Annan Tessy 9:11 PM (11 hours ago) to  me Asalaam"u"alaikum.  It is true that we met through the Internet which i know to be an unsecured means of communications that have been abused with many lies coming from people of no conscience with wicked mind to deprive others of their hard earned fortune but please give your attention to my mail though it may be your least expectation from me since we are just new friends but i am doing so because i have to let you know about me due to the happiness my heart

Lomba Penulisan Naskah Buku Pengayaan Tahun 2012

Dalam rangka menggali, mengembangkan, dan mendayagunakan potensi menulis di kalangan siswa, pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan, serta masyarakat umum, Pusat Kurikulum dan Perbukuan Balitbang Kemdikbud menyelenggarakan Sayembara Penulisan Naskah Buku Pengayaan. Kegiatan sayembara ini diperuntukkan bagi para peserta didik, pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan, serta masyarakat umum. Sayembara Penulisan Naskah Buku Pengayaan tahun 2012 ini memperebutkan hadiah total lebih dari Rp,00 untuk 57 pemenang dari 19 jenis naskah buku pengayaan.

Ellipsis in Discourse Analysis

The essential characteristic of ellipsis is something that is present in the selection of underlying (systematic) option that omitted in the structure. According to Halliday and Hasan (1976: 143), ellipsis can be regarded as substitution by zero. It is divided into three kinds, namely nominal ellipsis, verbal ellipsis, and clausal ellipsis. 1)         Nominal Ellipsis Nominal ellipsis means the ellipsis within the nominal group or the common noun that may be omitted and the function of head taken on by one of other elements (deictic, numerative, epithet or classifier). The deictic is normally a determiner, the numerative is a numeral or other quantifier, the epithet is an adjective and the classifier is a noun. According to Hassan and Halliday, this is more frequently a deictic or a numeral than epithet or classifier. The most characteristic instances of ellipsis, therefore are those with deictic or numerative as head.

Substitution: A Grammatical Cohesion

Grammatical Cohesion According to Halliday and Hasan (1976: 4), cohesion occurs when the interpretation of some elements in the discourse is dependent on that of another. It concludes that the one element presupposes the other. The element cannot be effectively decoded except by recourse to it. Moreover, the basic concept of it is a semantic one. It refers to relations of meaning that exists within the text. So, when this happens, a relation of cohesion is set up, and the two elements, the presupposing and the presupposed, are thereby integrated into a text. Halliday and Hasan (1976: 39) classify grammatical cohesion into reference, substitution, ellipsis and conjunction. Substitution Substitution is a relation between linguistic items, such as words or phrases or in the other word, it is a relation on the lexico-grammatical level, the level of grammar and vocabulary, or linguistic form. It is also usually as relation in the wording rather than in the meaning. The criterion is the gram...

Reference: A Grammatical Cohesion

1.         Grammatical Cohesion According to Halliday and Hasan (1976: 4), cohesion occurs when the interpretation of some elements in the discourse is dependent on that of another. It concludes that the one element presupposes the other. The element cannot be effectively decoded except by recourse to it. Moreover, the basic concept of it is a semantic one. It refers to relations of meaning that exists within the text. So, when this happens, a relation of cohesion is set up, and the two elements, the presupposing and the presupposed, are thereby integrated into a text. Halliday and Hasan (1976: 39) classify grammatical cohesion into reference, substitution, ellipsis and conjunction.

Text and Cohesion

Text Van Dijk (1977 in Stubbs, 1983: 9) says that the term of text to rifer to an abstract theoretical construct which is realized in discourse. In other words, text is to discourse as sentence is to utterance. The term of text is a conceptual thing.    The word text is used in linguistics to refer to any passage, spoken or written, of whatever length, that does form a unified whole, and as a general rule, whatever any specimen of our own language constitutes a text or not (Halliday and Hasan, 1976: 1, 1985: 10). It is stated that a text is a unit of language in use, not grammatical unit.  Text is a semantic unit that is a unit not of form but of meaning. Thus, it is related to a clause or sentence not by size but by realization. Moreover, a text does not consist of sentences, but it is realized by sentences, and a set of related sentences is the embodiment or realization of a text. Hence, the expression of the semantic unity of the text lies in the cohesion among t...

The Concept of Coherency

A text can be said to be coherent when each successive sentence can be assigned wholly and without difficulty to one of the relationships… (Sinclair, Hoey, and Fox, 1993: 19). The relationships among the ideas in the paragraph might be a major reason in achieving coherence. Because of this, the ideas of the paragraph must be presented in a whole text. If the points or ideas lied in a paragraph can be analyzed and identified clearly by the reader, the coherence was achieved. According to Van Dijk (1997: 9) coherence is how the meaning of sentences in a discourse hung together. Besides that, he distinguished coherence in micro dan in macro level analysis. In micro analysis, coherence occurs from the structure of discourse. While in macro analysis, the term coherence develops into topics or themes of discourse. Van Dijk (1997: 10) says, “Discourse topics (which are not the same as sentence topics) are so to speak the global meanings of discourse, of which they define the overall (macro)...

Editorial, the main article in a newspaper

Editorial is an opinion article which usually can be found in newspaper, tabloid, or magazine. Opinion in editorial contains the aspiration, premise, and certain attitude of a pres media for potential, phenomenal, and actual problem occurred in a society (Sumadiria, 2005: 81). Opinion in editorial also represents as formal perception from the pres media. Aspiration in editorial is not individually aspiration from editor in media but it belongs to the whole media workers or institution. Assegaf in (Sumadiria, 2005: 83) states that editorial brings opinion from editors and the modal owners which support the media. Editorial is written by chief editor or executive editor which knows news polices or political redaction of the media.

Discourse and Discourse Analysis

The word of discourse comes from Latin language ‘ discursus’ that means ‘run from one side to side’ (Mulyana, 2005: 4).   The word ‘ discursus ’ itself is arranged from ‘dis’ (from different sides) dan ‘currere’ (run). Discursus is same as run from different direction. According to Webster (1983: 522 in Mulyana, 2005:   4), discourse has several meaning that are (a) words communication, (b) expression of ideas, (c) written treatise, lecture, etc.    Van Dijk (1997: 2) classifies concept of discourse into three dimensions that are (a) Language use, (b) communication of beliefs (cognition), and interaction (in social situations). It describes that discourse focuses on verbal structures and cognitive processes at first, the second on discourse as interaction in society. The Van Dijk’s theory can be shown in this diagram.   Table 2. 1 Van Dijk’s Discourse Analysis

Cohesion and Coherence in Discourse Analysis: A Journalistic Research

People communicate each other in their live. They share feeling, and thought from one and others. Crystal (2005: 3) states that communication is much boarder concept, involving transmission and reception of any kind information between any kinds of life. The definition concludes that every process of sending and accepting information is communication. In communication, people also need channels of information. The channels are the five human senses that are sound, sight, touch, smell, and sight. From the five senses, the use of sound – the auditory-vocal mode – is the fundamental human communication channel. In practice, the example of the mode is speech.   The use of sight – the visual mode – is also familiar in daily communication. The visual mode which uses facial expression or gesture describes as nonverbal language. People usually use words and sentence in communication and it is called verbal language. Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communica...

Effort of Improving Mathematics Learning Outcomes in the Implementation of Cooperative Learning Model with Student Teams-Achievement Division Type In Class V Semester Gasal Students of SD Negeri Ngebel, Bantul Academic Year 2011/2012

2011. Effort of Improving Mathematics Learning Outcomes in the Implementation of Cooperative Learning Model with Student Teams-Achievement Division Type In Class V Semester Gasal Students of SD Negeri Ngebel , Bantul Academic Year 2011/2012 . SI Thesis . Yogyakarta: Ahmad Dahlan Universit y . ABSTRACT This research is aimed to improve mathematics learning outcome and to know student respond toward application of cooperative learning model, Student Teams-Achievement Divission type in sub topic of calculating powers and simple root.

An Effort to Increase The Students’ Mathematics Learning Outcome by Using Cooperative Learning’s Two Remain Two Guests of the Class VII Students of SMP Negeri I Jogonalan Kabupaten Klaten in the Semester I of 2011/2012 Academic Year

2011. An Effort to Increase The Students’ Mathematics Learning Outcome by Using Cooperative Learning’s Two Remain Two Guests of the Class VII Students of SMP Negeri I Jogonalan Kabupaten Klaten in the Semester I of 2011/201 2 Academic Year . S -1 Thesis . Yogyakarta : Ahmad Dahlan Universit y. ABSTRA CT This research is aimed to improve the students’ mathematics learning outcome by using cooperative learning model’s Two Remain Two Guests in class VII of SMP Negeri I Jogonalan Kabupaten Klaten in the semester I of 2011/2012   academic year.  

The Effort of Improving Students’ Mathematics Learning Outcomes Using Cooperative Learning Model’s Students Teams Achievment Divisions (STAD) Type in Class VIII of SMP Muhammadiyah 9 Yogyakarta in the 2011/2012 Academic Year

“ The Effort of Improving Students’ Mathematics Learning Outcomes Using Cooperative Learning Model’s Students Teams Achievment Divisions (STAD) Type in Class VIII of SMP Muhammadiyah 9 Yogyakarta in the 2011/2012 Academic Year ”. SI Thesis . Yogyakarta : Ahmad Dahlan University. ABSTRACT The aim of the study is to know the increase of the students’ activeness as an effort to improve the students’ mathematics learning outcomes of class VIII A of SMP Muhammadiyah 9 Yogyakarta in semester 1 of 20 1 1 /20 1 2 academic year by using Student Teams Achievment Divisions (STAD) method. 

Ketika Ulama tak Sekedar Berfatwa: Sepenggal Kisah MUI Surakarta

MUI Surakarta lahir jauh sebelum MUI yang dikenal sekarang. Berbeda dengan MUI lain yang sehati dengan pemerintah, MUI Surakarta lebih memilih bersikap kritis. Ia tetap berpandangan bahwa pemerintah dan ulama adalah setara ihwal memperjuangkan umat . Nada bicaranya yang lembut sedikit meninggi tatkala menjelaskan buku putih yang ia genggam. Prof. Prof.DR. H. Zainal Arifin Adnan, Sp.PD, ketua MUI (Majelis Ulama Indonesia) Surakarta denggan antusias menceritakan latar belakang diterbitkannya buku berjudul Kritik Evaluasi dan Dekontruksi Gerakan Deradikalisasi Aqidah Muslimin. Terbitnya buku setebal 128 halaman semakin mebuat MUI Surakarta dikenal sebagai MUI Perjuangan. Prof. Zaenal mengenang saat Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Terorisme (BNPT) mengedakan Halaqoh di Hotel Novotel 21 November 2010 lalu. Acara yang merupakan rangkaian road show 6 kota besar itu bekerjasama dengan Forum Komunitas Praktisi Media Nasional (FKPMN), sebuah LSM. Ia bersama MUI Surakarta menilai ada yang ganjil...